Saturday 24 January 2015

Easiest way to get friends facebook password


There is no such Software available which can directly give you the Password of the Facebook. So the best available method is phising which really works. But its only for the knowledge and education purpose.

You need to have a free form so  look below for instructions
How to Sigup a Form Site For Free:
So click on the link provided and sign up for a free account.

                                     Form to be filled....

So now its time to create a Facebook fake login form :

  • After Registering a Free form its time to Create a form.
  • In the siteMap click "Create" and select "Form Processer".
  • Select your Email id and click "Next".
  • In the Loaded Page click "Next".
  • Now setup the Page information like Shown below 

    Select "Plain Text" and Click "Next".
    Now You can Copy the Link Form Link Produced there is http and https.
    You should use https it looks secure.

    Editing Facebook Fake login Page :

    Now download the Facebook Login edited page

                                      Facebook Edited Page...

    After downloading the Zip file extract it to desktop.
    Open the downloaded file with NotePad.
    Click Edit in NotePad and select "Find" and search for

    "action=" or You can also search

    After you found this replace this with your Form URL (the https form url).
    Now Save the Edited File.
    After Editing Add Your Email id which you use to Signup Create Form Account.
    Editing Facebook Fake Login Done.

    Uploading the Facebook Fake Login :

    • Now You have to Upload This Files to a Free Web Hostig Site
    • Upload Facebook Fake Login Page to  000webHost
    • ( Additional Settings Optional ) Now You can Shorten this URL using any URL shorting service .
    • (Additional Settings Optional ) In My Choose  Co.TV or     VV.CC
    • Uploading is Done.
    • (Recommended Setting) By masking your URL, nobody could see your real URL of your website. Give a suitable name like or something like that So go to    Mask the URL
    Your Facebook fake Login is created now you have to link this Facebook Fake Login to your friends to Login From Here. Your Facebook Fake Login Will be Like 
    http://anything.anywebhosting or lf you Get Redirection Site it will be or any other
    How to Link Facebook Fake Login Page to your Friends or Victims ( Social Engg ) :

    • So you Have Uploaded the Facebook Fake Login Page
    • Give a Name to Your Url of the Facebook Fake Login Page as it Looks Like a Login Address ( Example : or Shorten
    • You Can Mail Your Friend Like "Check New Facebook Login Page" You can Say Any Think To Make him Login Through the Facebook Fake Login Page.
                And you are done....enjoy!!!

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